Colder temperatures are looming outside and the are days getting shorter. It’s only natural to want to spend the winter hibernating in a cozy bed. Plus, waking up in darkness doesn’t always inspire us to roll right out of bed. But evidence shows that there’s benefits to being an early riser. It not only leads to more productivity, but it also helps start the day with less stress – which is important now more than ever. With just a few small fun and easy changes, you can turn yourself from a night owl to early bird. Here are out tips on how to become a morning person.
Gradually move up bedtime
Many of us are working from home these days, making our commute nonexistent. It’s easy to fall into the trap of sleeping in. Start small by moving up your nighttime routine 15 minutes a day, until you land on your ideal bedtime and get back into the habit of setting an alarm. Creating a cozy bedroom space will help make the transition from home office to rest time even easier.
Get excited for breakfast
Trading in your daily coffee run for make-at-home allows you to slow down and enjoy your first meal of the day. Extra time in the morning means you can rediscover the joy of cooking, so keep your pantry stocked with your favourites. To really make the most of a more leisurely start to your day? Set the table and enjoy the paper or your latest book club pick.
Have a cold shower
While it might seem counter intuitive to blast yourself with cold water when the outside temperature is below zero, the brisk shot gives your system a jolt to get going. Work yourself up gradually to tolerate more time in the icy flow. And reward your efforts with big fluffy towels for a post shower warm up.
Photography courtesy of Hudson’s Bay