We love wallpaper for its unique ability to bring colour, pattern, or texture to a room. Perhaps once seen as an outdated and time-consuming choice, wallpaper has come a long way in both design and ease of use – and it’s making a major comeback. In fact, technologies in peel and stick wallpaper have made it easier than ever to add a little wow factor to your space. And it’s particularly ideal if you rent or just want the flexibility to change up your look more often. Whether your style leans modern or traditional, when it comes to wallpaper, the options are virtually endless.
Still need some convincing? We’ve rounded up four reasons you’ll want to try peel and stick wallpaper in your home.
Wallpaper Brings the Drama
If you’re looking to add some drama to a space, wallpaper is the perfect choice. Go bold in a powder room with a graphic pattern and metallic accents, or try a deep, rich colour in the dining room. Consider an accent wall in the bedroom or living room to create a dramatic focal point.

It’s Low Maintenance
Peel and stick wallpapers are washable, so you don’t need to worry about humidity or spills in high-traffic spaces like bathrooms or kitchens. Even more, it’s easy to cut to fit your space and it’s repositionable if you need to adjust your placement or decide to use it in another room altogether.
It Adds Cozy Texture
Want to add a textured look to your walls? Wallpaper adds an extra layer of depth to a space, where paint just can’t compete. Go for a faux grasscloth, limestone, or wood grain option to channel the warmth of natural materials in your home.

It Can Be Used Beyond the Walls
It’s easy to experiment and create your own unique look with peel and stick wallpaper. Looking for a few interesting and easy project ideas? Use it to cover bathroom vanity drawer fronts, in a pattern that matches the walls. Use it on the ceiling in a foyer for added embellishment. Line staircase risers with it for a bit of unexpected drama. And use extra off-cuts to frame as artwork in another room.
Photography courtesy of The Home Depot Canada